General Interview Questions Responses

Written by Drew. Posted in Recruitment.

What answers you can expect when asking any of the 20 Ready Made Tips general interview questions?  If you do not know what answer you are expecting is there any point in asking the question? These responses include tips on poor responses, what to follow up with probing questions to get the specific information you require, and what you need to follow up during a reference check.  BUY this article NOW to make your recruitmment interviews more effective and enjoyable!

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General Interview Questions Expected Responses

When interviewing applicants for vacancies in your organisation it is a good practice to have some idea of what you expect from the answers.  The purpose and responses to the Ready Made Tips general interview questions are described below.

 If any of the answers to your questions do not meet your expectations or are vague or inadequate, you must probe the applicant further to get the specific information about an issue.
  After asking probing questions if there are any answers that continue to raise concerns or ring alarm bells to you the interviewer, make a note to follow up your concerns at a further interview or when reference checking the candidate.

General Questions Expected Responses
1.    What are your interests (sports, hobbies etc) outside work?
This is an easy question that will help the applicant to relax and start talking.  During your review of the applicant’s resume, it is possible that this question
will have already been answered

2.  Why do you want to leave your current job?

On the surface this is a simple question which most people will have  no trouble answering.  However, listen carefully to the reply, as many applicants will reveal….
To read more BUY NOW for only $0.99!
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12/03/2013 11:01

Interviewing Skills and Skills Appraisal

Written by Drew. Posted in Recruitment.

With more than 30 items in this simple but comprehensive interviews skills appraisal, you will be able to accurately measure how well you conduct recruitment interviews.  Or, use it to appraise the recruitment interviewing skills of members of your team. The apprasial is an ideal way to determine the strenths and weaknesses of your Interviewing Skills.  This practical skills appraisal also includes 3 pages of detailed, practical ready made tips that you can use to improve your recruitment interviews.

 Only $1.99

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Interviewing Skills Appraisal

Interviewing applicants for a position within your organisation is one of the essential requirements for all leaders.  While the employment interview is likely to be one of several tools that are used to hire employees, it is the most important one, because it can tell you more about a potential employee than any other employment selection tool.

The purpose of the interview is to find the right person who has the right mix of skills, qualifications, experience, personality and attitude to make positive contributions to your organisation and be a success in their position.
  As an interviewer it is your responsibility to draw out all the information from the applicant to establish whether they will have the best fit for the role.  This will reduce the risk of passing over a good candidate and making a poor hiring decision in the long term….

This appraisal has been designed as a self-appraisal of a person’s interviewing skills.  However, it can be effectively used to determine the interviewing skills of other supervisors or managers and identify areas for improvement. 

Key Performance Indicator 1    2    3    4    5   
1.I review the need for a role when it becomes vacant.
2. At the start of the interview I always explain what the interview format will be.  
3. I use behavioural based open ended questions.
4. I save closed questions for gathering facts.
5. I know what answers I am expecting to my questions.
6. I use probing questions to determine a candidate's fit for the job.







BUY this easy to use Interviewing Skills Appraisal NOW and use all 30 appraisal items to measure the effectiveness of your recruitment interviews. Use the hands-on Ready Made Tips to improve your Interviewing Skills.

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4/03/2013 14:57

Questioning Techniques Appraisal

Written by Drew. Posted in Recruitment.

How good are you at using questions effectively?  Measure the effectiveness of your questioning techniques with this simple, easy to use Questioning Techniques appraisal. The 32 items in this appraisal will accurately measure the effectiveness of your questioning techniques.  Or, you can use it to appraise the effectiveness of other members of your team to use and apply questioning techniques. The apprasial is an ideal way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your Quetsioning Techniques. With 5 pages of detailed, practical Ready Made Tips to improve your Questioning Technique, this is a must have article for anyone involved in asking questions.  Learn about open, closed, probing, leading, funnel, multiple and rhetorical questions and when and how to use them!

Only $1.99

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Questioning Techniques Appraisal
All of us use questions every day, whether it is at work, home or play.  To gain the information, response or outcome that you want effectively you need to consciously apply appropriate kinds of questions.

“When you are managing people, one of the greatest timesavers is asking questions – more specifically, asking the right questions.”
                                                                                                         Jim Rohn in “Seven Strategies for Wealth and Happiness.”

Asking questions is a fundamental communication skill for leaders, to find out information, solve problems, establish better working relationships, persuade, motivate, interview or negotiate.  How effective is it to solve a problem or issue than by simply asking the person who knows the answer?  Asking effective questions is not easy.  How a question should be asked, what question should be asked and when a question should be asked are important aspects in questioning technique.

This appraisal has been designed as a self-appraisal of a person’s questioning ability.  However, it can be effectively used to determine the questioning techniques of other supervisors or managers and identify areas for improvement.  

Key Performance Indicator 1    2    3    4    5   
1.I use open ended questions to open conversations.
2. I use leading questions to close a deal or contract.  
3. I use probing questions to ensure that I understand the whole story.   
4. I keep my questions focused on one point.
5. To help respondents feel at ease I move from general questions on an issue to specific questions. 
6. I use active listening techniques when asking questions.







BUY this easy to use Questioning Techniques Appraisal NOW to use all 32 appraisal items to measure the effectiveness of how well you or your colleagues use questions and use the practical Ready Made Tips to improve your questioning techniques.

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12/03/2013 11:13

Sales Interview Questions

Written by Drew. Posted in Recruitment.

125 great sales questions to ask when interviewing candidates for a sales role. Covering topics like, opening, closing, handling rejections, product knowledge, marketing and promotions and much more, this comprehensive list of practical questions will help you find the best person for your next sales role.  

Only $1.99

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Sales Interview Questions
These interview questions are suitable to ask when interviewing candidates for a sales role.  Do not use all the questions, but select those that are appropriate for the position and for you.
It is recommended that the sales questions be used with a selection of general interview questions to determine whether a candidate has got the skills, attitude and work approach required for the role.  Download the Ready Made Tips General Interview Questions.
So that you can objectively compare candidates, write brief notes on the response to each question, and complete an interview record form at the conclusion of each interview.  Download the Ready Made Tips Interview Record Form.
General Sales Questions
1    What strategies would you recommend to sell slow moving stock?
2    How would you deal with a customer who wanted something you did not have?
3    What is a referral?
4    What is features selling?
5    What is benefits selling?
6    What things do you do to turn around a dissatisfied customer?
7    What would you do if you received a complaint from a customer about a previous sale, and as a result of the complaint the customer was demanding a significant refund?
8    Many customers are very price conscious when it comes to purchasing.  What would you do to get around this to sell a superior, more expensive product?

BUY NOW to access another 117 quality sales interview questions for all your sales recruitment needs.

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19/03/2013 11:26